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Wasserturm-Senningerberg-Perspektive 1
Town planning

Water tower Senningerberg

During the sitting of the Commune council on 21 March 2025, the project to create a bed&bike facility in the water tower at Senningerberg was approved. The aim of the project is to renovate and convert the former Binnewee water tower at Senningerberg into a bed&bike tourist accommodation facility.For more information, visit our page on the current communal projects! Published on 2025-03-27
Commune life


Don't miss our Easter edition of the Niederanven market on Monday 7 April 2025, from 3 to 7 pm. On the programme: lots of different markets, spring highlights and a great atmosphere! Äddi a MerciBeim Burg (Boucher)CIGR SyrdallD'Humeur VégétaleEquisolidaireÉveil Santé / BergshaffFleurs d'AmourFromagerie NaceGeramo Giovanni (noix et jus de pommes)Kremer (Boulangerie & Pâtisserie)KoruMaison des jeunes NiederanvenMoritz EggerParvaneh & SöhnePatatipatataPilz- a Geméismann (fruits, légumes et burgers)Speedoux GourmandTea Consoli (vente de thés)Thea Lortye (pommes de terre et oeufs)Vente de springrolls délicieuxWoolinspires  Published on 2025-03-26